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Musical instruments were donated by SALLY LIM KINDNESS FUND for the children of Dhammajarinee Witthaya School

SALLY LIM KINDNESS FUND offers financial assistance to the needy for education and healthcare. It is in memory of Sally Lim from Singapore who passed away in March 2023. She first visited the school in 2003, set up the school's first computer classroom, taught English in the school and sponsored a student to university.

We are sincerely grateful for this contribution to the music program of our school, which will help culture our students' creativity, cognitive development, emotional expression, discipline, teamwork, and confidence—contributing to their overall well-being and development.

We are sincerely grateful for this contribution to the music program of our school, which will help culture our students' creativity, cognitive development, emotional expression, discipline, teamwork, and confidence—contributing to their overall well-being and development.


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