On 5 August, three leaders of DWS and five computer science teachers travelled to the Southeast Asian Center in Bangkok to receive training in Code School Finland’s second module, “Develop and Test.” Last year DWS successfully offered the first CSF module, “Code and Create,” to the primary school students, and this year they will roll out the second module. In “Develop and Test,” students will learn about product development and game design while creating their own learning games and interactive apps.
This course focuses on all the most relevant computational thinking concepts such as loops, conditional statements, and variables. Students learn to develop their solutions by implementing good programming practices such as design, iteration, debugging and ways to organize code.
Students design and implement an educational game for younger students. Students then test their games with the target group and get feedback on product development.
The learning outcomes of this second module are:
-Understanding design and development processes
-Skills in multimedia creation and digital art
-Implementation of game design and gamification
-Design thinking, collaboration, work-life skills, creativity, exploration, and self-improvement
-Versatile use of basic computational thinking concepts and practices to create complete programs
For today’s students to take their place in the future economy, to find rewarding and fulfilling work, and to realize their full potential, they need to develop a strong foundation in Future Skills. DWS appreciates CSF’s excellent program to teach these future skills along with the Finnish pedagogy of student-centered, project-based learning. Additionally, CSF is recognized and accredited around the world.
SEAC, the organization sponsoring this partnership with Code School Finland and hosting the training, is an innovative leadership executive training center promoting lifelong learning, leadership and change. We are grateful to SEAC, Code School Finland, and Master Trainer Charlie, for making this great opportunity possible.
