This week, our 49 seniors graduated from high school, and Dhammajarinee enjoyed a grand celebration—complete with traditional Thai dance, music performances, and the traditional Sai Sin ceremony, in which teachers tie a string on the graduates' wrists to confer blessings and good luck. Please see the joyful photos below.
It is exciting to learn the various majors the graduates will pursue in college, such as Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Medical Science, Convergent Journalism and Creative Digital Media, International Marketing, Logistics and Supply Chain, Fashion Design, Creative Arts Innovation, Digital Business Technology, and Public Housing.
It is remarkable that at Dhammajarinee, 95% of students who come to the school continue and graduate. In comparison, 48% of older high school students in Thailand drop out of school, largely due to poverty. Girls who drop out of school in Thailand lack opportunities for their future and become at risk. Dhammajarinee is literally rewriting the futures of thousands of girls and their families.