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Dhammajarinee Highlights: April and May

The success from your generous support is unfolding many exciting developments at Dhammajarinee. These include new computers, teacher skills development training and incorporating STEM principles, which will develop even further during the coming months

New computers

Last year the school was struggling with 8-12 year old computers breaking down and incompatible with the software needs of current classes. Fortunately, in April and May amazing support came for upgrading the computers:

• Dell Computers in Thailand donated 28 excellent computer towers

• Prajomglaw Technology University donated 20 used computers

Teacher’s Active Learning Seminar in April

Active Learning is a teaching and learning process that emphasizes interactive participation in a variety of practices such as analysis, synthesis, brainstorming, case studies, presenting solutions etc. to develop critical thinking and communication skills.

The three-day seminar for all teachers, featuring expert speakers in education from Panyapiwat Institute of Management, focused on Technology, Mathematics and English.

In May students students return

Thailand has made great progress in reducing cases of Covid throughout the country over the last few months, and there is confidence that this trend will consistently continue. With this increase in confidence, the girls were able to return to the school in groups of 70, following all precaution protocols. There are now 1100 students at the school.

As always, we thank you for your support that is creating a bright future not only for the girls at Dhammajarinee but for their future families and communities.


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